Sunday, February 9, 2014

Life of Pi Blog #2

     I am currently on page 200 of Life of Pi. Pi is the main character and he is stranded on a lifeboat after a terrible shipwreck. He is not alone on this boat however, there is a Bengal Tiger that Pi has named Richard Parker aboard. Pi is in this lifeboat and all he wants is to be home with his family. The setting of a lifeboat may seem small, yet it is immensely large as he is in the ocean and anything could float to him or he could float anywhere. It makes the reader curious about who or what Pi will encounter next and where the ocean currents will take him. I am greatly enjoying the book, as stories of people lost at sea or wilderness survival have always interested me. I have seen the movie before reading the book so I already know the ending, but I know that the movie did not include everything that was in the book. 

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