Monday, March 10, 2014

Societal Issue Blog #2

Currently I am on page 212 of my book. I am still enjoying this book, however I think it has slowed down. There has not been as much excitement as there was in the beginning when I was trying to piece together what happened to Conrad. By this point I have figured out that Conrads older brother died a year before the book takes place and that Conrad blames himself for his death. He attempted suicide and is sent to a hospital and that is where he is in the beginning of the novel. Conrad has starting repairing his relationship with his father Cal, but his mother Beth is growing more and more distant from both of them due to her cold attitude lack of sympathy for Conrad. My predictions are that Calvin and Conrad and Beth will have some kind of event that brings them all back together as a family. I am able to relate to the book because I have a similar outlook as Conrad and the book is written as if you were reading their thoughts exactly as they happen which helps you relate to it even more.

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